‘Away Sick’

Winter is coming to an end, which means no more colds or headaches! Thank you to the parents who contacted the school to let us know if your child/ren were going to be away. As well as the parents who provided medical certificates if your child/ren were ill. This kind of communication really helps build the relationships between families and the school.

If your child falls ill, please follow these steps:

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the school on (03) 5858 8200 or email [email protected]

Emergency Contacts

Could all parents please contact the Office to update their emergency contact details for their children. An emergency contact must be someone other than a parent/guardian, which can be contacted during business hours and after hours in case the school cannot contact parents/guardians. An emergency contact must be 18 years or over and have their own form of transport to get to the school. Please contact the Office as soon as you can to update your Emergency Contact Details.

Kind Regards,
Miss Jahla North